
Showing posts from June, 2017

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$1 & $0.50 PTC - $75/Day - 👎 👎

$1 Adz - 👎 👎 Update - 6/15/17 I have done my Research extensivly, after going to another site and finding you had to have 100 clicks and 10 ACTIVE referrals to cash out. What I found out about 1dollaradz: First, I thought initially 4 months to wait to receive $4000 wasn't bad. I still kind of feel that way, except after 2 days of clicking, I am already tired of it. Between all of the pop-ups, the extra ads every time you click something and the main site converting to an ad page then having to click go back then wait for it to load again. Aren't you tired just from hearing about it??? It took me 3 hours just to get through the clicking.... It gets worse!!!!! To cash out you need: * $4,000 Banked * 100 Referrals who are active every day throughout the 60 days of your earning PLUS the 60 days waiting time for payout Now, they do not aadvertise or state this any where in the FAQ's or the Terms of service. You can only see that you nee...

ClixSense - PTC

Clixsense So this one is just one I do because.. It is not a high earner, and has limited earning unless you want to spend hours upon hours doing surveys. I do not do surveys or tasks beyond the offertorro 12 minutes of video for a penny. Reason being is because it is the only thing that is time consuming that you dont have to spend time on, you open the site and let it sit there while you do nothing else. I typically let it go for about an hour and make a few pennys from it. So I recomend this one as a bit of a filler, it will NEVER make you any thing to get excited about.

Bitcoin Faucet with extras

BonusCoin Update 6/14/17 This Faucet Pays out, received 10,028 Satoshi to my Wallet with in a few hours of requesting it... This Faucet I highly recomend. 👍 It so far is the best faucet I have found, it doesn't cheat you out of BTC like the others do. All other Faucets give you nothing most of the time, how ever this one gives you something every claim. They have a setting, where you can claim the average every time.. At the moment the average is at 106 satoshi per claim. I spent a few hours on it last night claiming, and am already almost at 1500 satoshi. Another great thing is, it sets the 15 minute timer according to you, not on a given 15 mins, so when you sign back in, you immediatly have a claim waiting for you. Where as the other faucets are every 15 mins to the hour, so most of the time you can come in at the end of the 15 min timer and have to wait 15 mins again. They have a low cashout wich is at 10,000 Satoshi. You may think that is a lot, but...

Earn $50+ /Month for almost-nothing

Join Here $50+ Per month for not doing much My understanding (only signed up today) is that you just need to sign in before the 15th of each month and check your downline. Downline being people under you, and you will earn the $50 per month. But if you recruit people (adverting your link), you will earn $2 for each person. Yea i know, very pyramid sceme sounding. Honestly that is exactly what it sounds like and looks like. Me personally, I see nothing wrong with them. I used to be a huge fan of the chain letters, this is basicly that. It doesnt cost any thing, so why not try it out and see how it goes, I AM!!! Join Here

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