About Tommy

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Here is a little about me and How I do things.

I am by far a scientist, chemist, artist or engineer

How ever, I won't settle for good enough. Even when it comes to homemade things. I enjoy working with my hands, crafting, building, molding, forming. You name it, any thing hands on, I am first in line.

Every one always raves about the internet, I am constantly hearing, Google that.

What I have found from Google That, is 90% of the things found, are user created, and usually are by people who know nothing about that subject and are posting their, I KNOW EVERYTHING!

I find this discerning, because from their lack of knowledge, I end up spending hours and hours searching, doing, failing and so forth. But luckily for my readers, I am going to let you in on my findings after my hours of mixing, pouring, crafting, molding, casting, cutting, gluing and alot of waited time on failures, from things I found from KNOW IT ALLS! on the internet.

Here is how I come up with the things I post on my blog. 

Yes, a few ideas are taken from what I get from these know it alls. How ever most of the things do not work, or work poorly. I am a thinker, so if something is not good enough (90% of the time) from what I found online. I improve it, by doing it differently. This means, for example - triple knot instead of double knot as the person said in their instructions.

I have a feeling that my blog may end up with a ton of postings as I do so many different things.
Anything I post, will have been tried and successful. I will not post any, I think this will work.

I hope you enjoy All Of My things.

Thanks For Stopping By!


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